“This box is a mystery. What is in the box?
Bobo says it is his friend. What friend?”
Bobo is eight years old boy, but he is
little for eight years. Some boys at school are bullies him. However, Bobo don’t
scare because he has got white big box. It is mysterious box. The boys say open
the box, but he says no. He knows it is dangerous. One boy kicks him and the
box fall. In the box there is a pink, blue and yellow toy monster with eight
legs, a tail and a truck. It is real monster. The boys scared and go away. It
is real monster, but his best friend. In this society, there is a lot of bully.
It is serious problem. Most of children who are bullied don’t have friend to
help them. I think if they have friend like monster, they don’t suffer from
Trunk: 胴、胸部
Bully: いじめ
171 words
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