
Freddy Finds the Thief

   “I’m sorry, your majesty. Today my wife is cooking hamburgers. I must go home to her.”

   King Harold and Queen Mtilda live in the castle. Queen Matilta good at plays harp. However, one day, the harp was stolen. Queen Matilda is very sad. And King Harold says 500 gold pieces to the man who finds the thief.
And in the village, there is very poor couple. They don’t have enough food to eat for dinner. A husband would like to eat hamburger, but there are only potato and carrot. One day a husband knows 500 gold pieces to the man who finds the thief. Finally, he finds the thief and King and Queen invited him to dinner, but he refuses their invite. His wife waits him to make hamburger. I think it is very heartwarming story. I7m moved. They are good couple. I think in the future, if I get marry someone I want to marry with man like him. He is honest and not greedy. He is good man.

Harp: 竪琴
Cockerel: 若い雄鶏
Majesty: 陛下

182 words

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