A thousand years ago, only a few people drank it and nobody ate it. The first chocolate drinkers were harmers who lived by the rainforest. The rainforest was a jungle and it was small cocoa tree. Monkeys liked to break pods open and suck out the sweet. Then they spat out the bitter beans. But farmer noticed delicious smell from a pile of rotting beans. They let the beans rot, dry, roasted, paste and stirred in water and spices. It’s very bitter, but they liked it. Poorer people only dream about chocolate. In 1847, In Holland, Coenraad Van Houten invented a press that separated chocolate paste into brown cocoa powder and yellow cocoa butter. An English chocolate maker noticed use cocoa butter to make solid chocolate. He invented the world’s first chocolate bar. In Switzerland, one candle maker fell in love with a chocolate maker’s daughter and started make it. He tried to adding milk and make creamy chocolate in1883. For years, eating chocolate was only made in solid bar. But an American maker, thought boring. He made them look more exciting. In 1912, an American candy maker stirred peanuts, caramel and marshmallows into glossy, melted chocolate. Today, we can get delicious chocolate. When farmers first caught a whiff of rotting cocoa beans, they knew they had found something exciting, but they had no idea how popular chocolate would become.
230 words
whiff: 香り
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